Speak Truth
in Love


Fostering conversations of truth, honor and empathy within the church, while providing clarity to difficult questions at the intersection of faith and science.

STIL Toolkit Cover

Toolkit for speaking truth in love

Our team has put together a toolkit for pastors and lay leaders to equip them with skills and information required to tackle misinformation or people with differing views.

In this toolkit, we endeavour to help leaders and believers to:

  • Apply key principles of brave and authentic conversations

  • Apply practical skills and tools for difficult conversations

  • Answer challenging Q&As in vaccine-related conversations


  • “My wife and I are involved in medical missions in a developing country. Our work for the past year has been centered on Covid-19.

    In some ways, the stakes are even higher here than in Singapore: people are more vulnerable to suffering serious Covid-19 illnesses; and when they do, they have much harder time getting good medical care.

    The Christian community here has been marked by many questions and uncertainty about Covid-19, and especially vaccines.

    STIL has been the best resource available to us, to address these uncertainties within the Christian community and get some conversations unstuck.”

    — Dr. Natarajan Rajaraman
    Executive Director, Maluk Timor (Timor-Leste); Pasir Panjang Hill Brethren Church (Singapore)

  • “I am so glad that STIL has been started to help the Body of Christ navigate through the thorny issues that the pandemic has brought.

    The issue of vaccines, vaccination and social restrictions etc has become increasingly polarising.

    It will take gracious, wise and informed conversations to be able to generate more light than heat in such matters.

    This is what this ministry seeks to do and to this end, I highly commend STIL and its toolkit to you.”

    — Ps Benny Ho
    Faith Community Church Perth

  • “As one of the planners for the Global Church Forum, one major pain point I faced was being unable to address how COVID-19 has affected the Church.

    This initiative has been a direct answer to prayer, enabling us to navigate a critical conversation for the Church that will bless and challenge those who listen.

    It is not God's desire that this pandemic would divide His Church. My hope is that He would use Speak Truth in Love to begin that much-needed reconciliation process.”

    — Sarah Lee
    Director of Communications, The Grow Center for Church and Mission

  • The Salt & Light article in which the STIL toolkit was featured was truly a rhema word for me.

    An elder relative and I were stuck in the same sort of arguments over and over again, and I didn't know how to move forward.

    After reading about strategies for authentic and brave conversations through the article, I found it easy to grasp and gave me a renewed perspective.

    Tried it out the next time our 'tension topic' came up and what a big difference it made. We were finally able to reach a peaceful, respectful end in which we both moved closer in understanding.

    — Ms. S, homemaker


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